Marlaen Straathof
Marlaen has been an active member of BPGA for many years and served on past EXCO’s. During the late 80’s and early 90’s she spearheaded the Green Industries Council (GIC) which was then the marketing initiative of the Association. In recognising her for this award we show our appreciation for our of our loyal members who helped lay the foundations for the modern Association.
Warwick Bayer
Warwick is a positive member who has a passion for growing and positive outlook which spills over to other members. He has been involved with biodiversity on the Working for Water steering committee and has served as chairman for SANA Growers Cape. The merit award recognises his commitment as SANA member to the industry.
Robert Stodel
This award is handed out at the sole discretion of the President and there are no criteria. The Presidents award is often handed out to that person who has offered the most support to the president during his term in office. I have been very fortunate to have had great support from a number of people over the last 2 years. During my term as President, I was very lucky to have one particular person support me, allowing me to get on with my SANA work, knowing that he would step in when I needed help at Stodels. Without his support and guidance, it would not have been possible for me to have the honour to stand as president of SANA. Infact, there are very many oppurtunities in life that I recognise I would not have had, if it were not for his hard work and sacrifice. For that reason, this year, please indulge me in allowing me to give the Presidents Award to my father, Robert Stodel.
Dane Ross
A very hands-on approach and passion for retailing together with extensive plant knowledge makes this candidate worthy of being the Young Retailer of the year. As his involvement in the garden centre increased he was instrumental in identifying the needs of the business to diversify to attract a new generation of customers as well as improving the offering to existing clients. Animals is his other passion and though developing a large pet department he has dynamically changed the way the garden centre is managed. In the garden centre he plays an important role in the day to day running of the garden centre and is a role model to his staff through is commitment and work ethic. He not only holds training sessions and numerous talks in his garden centre he also finds time to give back to the community through vegetable gardens implemented in rural schools.
Bart van Geest
It is widely known that the products of LVG Plants (Van Geest family – production facility for Plantimex) is of high quality. A big part of the success can be attributed to the dedication of Bart van Geest, that together with his brother Geert, is continuing the legacy of their father Lous van Geest who has retired. Bart is quality driven, committed, shows initiative and determination. He is proud of his work, neat & punctual and strives for perfection. He is a deserving recipient of this award.