Take energy and enthusiasm, add a touch of fabulousness and you have the recipe for one of our bright stars in the green industry. It’s not often that one meets someone whose enthusiasm for SANA and for our Members is so tangible.
It is also rare that a Member of Young SANA is nominated for this Award. That is because it is not often that someone like this comes along.
For a number of years Johan has been a star at all of the SANA Trade Fairs often leading to award winning stands. His support for any SANA project he can get involved with is almost legendary. He has been part of the Bursary Committee, The GCA Competition Committee as well as serving on the EXCO as the Chairperson for Allied Trade.
This Merit Award recognises his commitment and efforts as well the journey he is on, but most importantly says thank you for making us all believe in the good and the fabulous that is SANA.